
Missing Teeth »


If you have a few or all of your teeth missing, one solution is to have a denture. A denture is made from hard-wearing material that mimics the look of teeth and gums to give your mouth a natural appearance. Your denture will be made to fit snugly on your gums and you will be able to remove it for cleaning.

There are a variety of different materials that can be used to make a denture. Here at Fellows Dental practice, we offer a full range of materials including:

  • Flexible valplast materials.
  • Cobalt Chrome.
  • Acrylic.

There are advantages and disadvantages of each of these materials depending on individual clinical situations and we will discuss this with you and help choose the one that will be best suited to your individual needs.

When you wear a denture for the first time it may take some getting used to when speaking or eating and chewing. Our dentists will be able to show you how to best take care of your denture and gums and will tell you about specialised brushes you can use to do this.