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Tooth Whitening

Before Tooth Whitening
After Tooth Whitening
Before Tooth Whitening
After Tooth Whitening
Before Tooth Whitening
After Tooth Whitening

Do you have stained teeth that make you feel self-conscious about smiling? Tooth whitening can be a good solution for certain types of tooth staining.

Tooth Whitening

Teeth can be stained by foods, drinks, smoking and certain medications. Tooth whitening is a safe procedure that can lighten the colour of your teeth by using a safe dental bleaching agent. Individual results vary and are based on your initial tooth colour and the nature of your tooth staining.

Tooth Whitening

Tooth whitening is considered to be a very good alternative to improving the appearance of your teeth rather than providing veneers since tooth whitening does not involving cutting into the tooth.

Here at Fellows Dental practice, we use a system which involves taking moulds of your teeth and constructing special whitening trays that fit snuggly over your teeth into which the tooth whitening gel is then loaded. The trays are worn either overnight, or for a few hours each day until you reach the colour you want. In general it takes about 2 weeks careful use to achieve a lighter shade.

Tooth Whitening

We find this gives a very controlled delivery of the whitening process without the need for costly in surgery whitening.

We can offer a quick start treatment where we apply whitening solution to the teeth in the surgery and use a bright light to activate the whitening process. This will speed up the time needed to whiten your teeth, however, in order to maintain the colour, you will still need to continue with the special whitening trays at home for a period of time.

Tooth whitening processes can also be used to lighten individual teeth that have gone dark as a result of previous root canal fillings.